Reiki Healing


What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is an ancient Japanese healing modality that brings in life force energy to the body to help restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy field.

Rei’ means spiritual wisdom and ‘ki’ means life force energy (also known as chi, prana or biofield energy). So, Reiki actually means ‘Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy.’

It was first discovered by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in the early 1900s. After embarking on his own spiritual journey to discover a form of enlightenment, he also discovered Reiki. 

What are the benefits of Reiki?

There are many wonderful benefits of Reiki. Some include:

  • Relaxation

  • Reduced anxiety & stress

  • Feeling more centered

  • Clearing and balancing of the chakras
    (the body’s energy centers)

  • Relief from chronic pain*

  • Personal growth and development

  • Increased mental clarity

  • Emotional healing & stability

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Spiritual development & growth

  • Strengthened immune system

    *Research study: McManus DE. Reiki is better than placebo and has broad potential as a complementary health therapy. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017;22:1051–1057.

How does it work?

From Albert Einstein’s equation, we know that everything, including our bodies, is composed of energy. Reiki works at an energetic level—activating the body’s innate healing response; initiating mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

A Reiki practitioner, who has been attuned to Reiki energy, acts as a conduit for the Universal life force energy and is able to channel the energy to the recipient.

For a more scientific explanation, you can look to Quantum Physics to understand what’s happening energetically/ vibrationally. Through the process of ‘entrainment’, the higher vibrational energy of Reiki that is being channeled through the practitioner flows to the lower vibrational energy, thus raising the recipient's vibrational frequency so the two fall into synchronicity. The result is a harmonization of frequencies and therefore the vibration of the recipient raises and activates the body’s innate healing response.    

Physically, Reiki helps to turn off our sympathetic nervous system, or our ‘fight and flight’ response, and instead activate the parasympathetic or ‘rest and digest’ nervous system. Activating our parasympathetic nervous system can improve our mood, lower our heart rate and blood pressure, strengthen our immune system, and allow us to feel more relaxed.

How does Reiki feel?

Reiki feels different for everyone. Some may feel or experience the energy as:

  • Warmth

  • A cooling effect

  • Visualizing colors

  • A grounding, weighted sensation

  • A buzzing sensation

  • A floating sensation

  • Relaxation

  • Others fall into a light sleep

  • Some release emotions

More information on Reiki can be found here:


Are you ready to receive?


“Thank you SO much for leading me on that amazingly, magical journey. As a first time Reiki experience, it was more than I could have imagined. My mind painted scenes that I didn't know I needed to see, my body responded with feelings that I did not think possible from meditation and my spirit guided me through some pretty amazing and revealing settings. Truly a
special experience.”

–Ashley C. Los Angeles, CA